Required to disable/enable camera after using Smart Shooter Pro 4

Hello, I notice whenever I use and then close Smart Shooter Pro 4, I then can’t access the camera memory card in windows. To get around this problem I have found I can disable and enable the camera in the device manager (using windows 10), however this is quite annoying, so I’m wondering is there another work around?

This is not something I had noticed before!

I’ve just tried with both Canon and Nikon cameras.
For Canon, it seems to work OK, I can still browse the SD after exiting Smart Shooter.
But for Nikon, I see the same issue as you.

Can you confirm which camera you are using?

Hi Francis, I am using a Nikon D850.

I have a fix for this now.
So please wait for the next update, it should then be working as expected.

Thanks Francis. Is there a rough timeline available for the next release?
