Hi. I just tested Smart Shooter on two Nikon cameras. Works great. I was able to set the "orientation"property of both cameras to make sure the LiveView is correct. No problem.
But this setting is not applied when I shoot both cameras, the images are not correctly oriented. May I change that? My tests were with TIFF files stored on disk, if it matters.
What I want is to have both LiveView and photos rotated by 90 degrees for camera A, and 270 degrees for camera B.
The “Orientation” option will only affect how the photos and live view are displayed in the app.
So the actual photo files are not modified, they are exactly the same as when they were downloaded from the camera. So if you view the same photos in another app, it may show them in a different orientation.
Note also, when displaying photos in the app, there are two settings that control what orientation is applied. Click the settings button at the top-left of the Preview window, and there are two checkboxes to control:
- Apply rotation from Photo EXIF - this will aplly the orientation thats contained in the photo file itself
- Apply rotation from Camera Metadata - this wll apply the orientation from the camera property that you previsouly set
The Live View window has its own setting which controls whether to apply the orientation. So you need to check both those places.
Thanks a lot! I missed the settings button on the preview pane which will do the trick for me. I understand that it doesn’t change the photos, just their viewing, but it is what I was looking for.
Thanks you for the great support!