I found quite critical bug in new 4.22 build of CaptureGrid.
I’m previous versions it was possible select and make specific camera active from multi cameras view. In any mode. But now it not work when liveview is enabled on cameras.
Stop work on both systems with Nikon cameras and Sony cameras.
When I’m in first tab and in multi live view mode. If all 50-60 cams in live view mode on this release I can’t click on live view thumbnail to select and make specific camera active.
In previous releases this sometime work not every time, sometime required click more than one, or click and hold for a while.
Now this not work anymore. So if I see camera that out of focus, I need disable liveview for all, click on camera thumbnail, and it become active. Now I can do autofocus and make all camera liveview again.
May be this required many cams in rig.
I will capture video and send by mail to you tomorrow.