Cameras drop offline when triggering shoot

I have a 64 camera setup for 3D scanning. There are 3 remote nodes of Capture Code 4 running on 3 Raspberry PI under Linux. The master node is running on a Windows 10 PC.
The remote node and the master node are on a dedicated private network.

When I trigger a shoot to fire all cameras, often between 4 and 8 cameras suddenly report a status of “Lost”. Often the “Lost” camera will re-connect on their own and will transfer the images to the host but more often than, not all the camera will transmit their images, even if the status indicates that all 64 cameras are connected.

I have discovered that if I continuously hit the “Detect” button, more of the cameras will transmit and if I catch the transfer at the right time all camera will transfer their images.

Is there a way to continue polling the cameras for a longer time to see if that will capture the images of the cameras that dropped offline, Alternatively is there a way to force all the images to be transferred after the transfer completes

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